In January 2000, Ray and Barbara Wragg from Sheffield, England won a £7.6 million UK Lotto jackpot. They said their winn...
Lack of organisation leads to £5 million UK Lotto Win
Lack of organisation leads to £5 million UK Lotto Win
A lack of organisation led to a £5.16 million UK Lotto win for two keyworkers. Paul and Louise Drake from Seafield in Scotland won the top prize in the draw held on Wednesday July 28.
Paul works in a supermarket and his wife Louise is a district nurse. Both have had busy times during the pandemic. The day after the UK Lotto draw saw Paul up at 4.30am as it was his turn to drive a couple of colleagues to work.
Niggling Feeling
He admits to having had a “niggling feeling” to check the UK Lotto results. When he discovered his ticket had won the £5.16 million jackpot, he burst into tears. Paul then rushed back to his home to wake up his wife with their amazing news. Initially, she thought something bad had happened “but he was shouting something about the lottery,” said a surprised Louise.
At first, she thought they’d only won £5,000 but then realised they had won a total of £5,162,779. Paul still drove his colleagues to work who he reckons knew something had happened. When Paul got to work, he told his boss just why he wouldn’t be working that day.
It’s a win that might not have happened. Paul said that he is usually “quite organised with my playing.” However, on this occasion that wasn’t the case. “I must’ve been rushing about too much, probably taking one of the kids (they have two sons) to an activity.” This led to him buying three Lucky Dips and one of them matched 23-26-34-36-44-59.
Cars and holidays
Paul loves cars and wants to use some of his UK Lotto winnings to buy a Porsche and a Range Rover. His wife can’t wait to go on holiday to Florida and New York with their children.
Will their UK Lotto win change the couple who are both aged 47? Mr Drake doesn’t believe that it will. He still intends going out looking for bargains. Despite being a millionaire, he’s ruled out paying the £6.50 his local golf club charges for a bacon roll.
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