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Three corners of Australia share in $50 million Oz Lotto jackpot
Three corners of Australia share in $50 million Oz Lotto jackpotWinners from across Australia this week are celebrating after sharing in a $50 million Oz Lotto jackpot, the largest so far this year.The winners are one in Brisbane, Queensland, one in Sydney, New South Wales, and the other in Gwelup, Western Australia. So far, we have only heard from the winners in Brisbane and Sydney, both of whom declared their shock when they found out they were division one Oz Lotto winners.The Brisbane winner, who is from the same area of the country as a woman who won two Gold Lotto draws in two days recently, and took home $16.7 million in the Oz Lotto draw, told lottery officials that she couldn’t contain both her excitement and surprise when she found out she’d won. After being informed of her good fortune by Oz Lotto officials over the phone, the winner screamed “for several minutes,” before declaring: “Oh my god! You’ve stopped my heart! I need my heart fixed!” A California lottery winner said that he was so excited after finding out he’d won $1 million that he jumped up and down right there in the store.The lucky Brisbane winner said she was going to let the news of her $16 million Oz lotto win sink in before deciding how to spend it, but she declared that she couldn’t wait to call her husband and share the good news with him.Recently, we told you about a Sydney Keno lottery winner of $5.6 million, and now this Sydney winner, who is from the district of Manly, was so shocked when Oz Lotto officials called him with the good news that he hung up on them. However, once he’d managed to calm down and checked his ticket himself, he confirmed the news was true and spoke to Oz Lotto officials again. “Are you serious?! You are kidding me! I can’t believe it,” the Sydney man said, admitting that the $16.7 million will change his life. A man from Northern Ireland who won £4 million on a National Lottery scratch card said that his wife hung up on him when he called her with his good news.After confirming his win, the Sydney jackpot winner said that he’ll be using his Oz Lotto prize money to invest, and live a ‘happy life,’ but he admitted that the news still hasn’t quite sunk in. “I’m lost for words!” he said. The Western Australian winner has not yet come forward, but we’re sure they’re as excited as another recent Western Australian Monday Lotto winner of $1 million.To give yourself a chance of also becoming a winner, play now at Lottery24.com.