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Seven-Time Winner Shares His Lottery Success Tips

Seven-Time Winner Shares His Lottery Success Tips
We all dream of winning a huge lottery prize. Richard Lustig certainly knows how to do that. He’s had seven wins in the past two years, winning over a million dollars. Now he’s given his tips on how to achieve lottery success.
His largest win came when landing a $842,152 Florida Mega Money jackpot. Other wins came on scratchcards and included winning holidays to Los Angeles and Memphis. Richard was in debt a couple of years ago. Now thanks to his lottery success, he’s bought his dream house and luxury cars.
He’s been playing lottery games for 25 years but didn’t do that well initially. Then he claims to have come up with a method that has led to his big wins over the past two years.His book ‘Learn How to Increase your Chances of Winning the Lottery,” sees him sharing his tips for lottery success.
Do your homework
One major tip is to do your homework. He believes it is important to look at past results of lottery draws. Which numbers have come out on a regular basis or haven’t been seen for a fair while? It might take some time to find patterns in recent lottery results, but he believes it can be well worth it in the long run.He stresses that there is no magic method to picking a winning number.
Setting a budget for your lottery ticket purchases is also important. Only use money you can afford to lose. Taking money that is earmarked for your rent or other bills is no recommended.
Choose your own numbers
Choosing your own numbers is in his opinion far better than letting a machine do it for you. Once you have chosen your numbers, he recommends you stick with them, even if not initially successful. Be patient, the next lottery draw may well be the one when they win a big prize.
Many players increase their stakes when there is a high lottery jackpot. That’s not a good idea according to Richard. More tickets are purchased and that can reduce your chances of winning. Hopefully, following his tips will bring you lottery success.