A former Manchester United player is celebrating a £400,000 Postcode Lottery win. Now living in Gotham in Nottinghamshir...
No More Night Shifts After £3.6 million Set for Life Win

No More Night Shifts After £3.6 million Set for Life Win
A new home, no more night shifts and a world cruise are being planned by Joanne Jobson from Hartlepool in England. That’s after she won £3.6 million (paid as £10,000 a month for 30 years) in the February 22 Set for Life draw.
A home of her own
The North East England resident works as a carer for children who have disabilities. This Set for Life win will change her life forever. At present, she’s living with her mother while trying to save the cash to buy her own home. The 51-year-old admits that until this win, she was “still some way off from making that move happen.”
Joanne had just finished a night shift and when she woke up there was a message on her phone from the National Lottery.
Quickly she got up and told her mother that she might have won a huge prize but she thought it was a scam. The winning numbers were continually checked and then finally a call to the National Lottery confirmed her jackpot win.
Talking to her mother, the Set for Life winner said that it was perhaps time she handed in her notice at work.
The win guarantees her financial security until the age of 81. Rather than night shifts and struggling to save, she can “buy things when I want and plan holidays I could only have dreamt of before.” A $50 million Lotto Max winner said his days working night shifts were over.
Exotic destinations
Joanne loves going to Spain but is now planning some more “exotic destinations.” Barbados and the Maldives are on her list and perhaps a world cruise too.
Before that there’s a big trip to London with her sisters to see an Abba tribute show. That’s going to be upgraded with a helicopter ride above the capital planned.
Joanne has only been playing the Set for Life draw for five months. "I didn’t think things like this happened to real people like me. But I’m proof they really do,” said the delighted winner.