Winning over $30 million really is a dream result. For a couple from Point Cook in Melbourne, Australia, the husband say...
£333,332 Postcode Lottery Winners Nearly Quit Playing

£333,332 Postcode Lottery Winners Nearly Quit Playing
Deborah and Paul from Gateshead, England nearly stopped playing the Postcode Lottery three years ago. They didn’t and a good job too as they’ve just won a £333,332 prize.
Eight years ago, the couple both won just over £3,000 playing the Postcode Lottery. They’ve moved house since then and their new postcode has been even more successful.
It was Deborah who then suggested cancelling their tickets. After all, they couldn’t possibly win again could they? Her partner decided against such a move and their good luck has continued.
June of this year saw them on their honeymoon in Gran Canaria. During their holiday they found out they’d both won £2,000 playing the Postcode Lottery.
Both Deborah and Paul work for the NHS. Eight other neighbours won £83,333 but these two players both have a couple of tickets so won the massive £333,332.
The north east of England is enjoying a run of success in the Postcode Lottery. A couple from Blaydon-on-Tyne (just eight miles away) won £111,111.
Some of the £333,332 winnings will be put towards buying a larger home. They have four children between them and another five grandchildren.
When they do move, it’ll have to be a house with the number 12. That’s their lucky number as they married on June 12, had a big party on July 12 and it was August 12 when they found out about their Postcode Lottery win.
Paul’s car needs a new exhaust fitted but he might just buy a new vehicle. A Kia Sportage hybrid instead is his dream purchase.
Off on holiday
Also celebrating are Dave and Mary who have also been enjoying more than one Postcode Lottery win.
The most they’ve won in the past was £8,149 in 2016. They also won £1,000 in June but are now celebrating winning a total of £162,666.
They already have a holiday in the Canary Islands booked but are making more plans now. That includes going on holiday in January when it’s Mary’s birthday.