Pigeons and a Purse for Postcode Lottery Winners

Pigeons and a Purse for Postcode Lottery Winners

Pigeons and a Purse for Postcode Lottery Winners

February began with a big shock for residents of Knutton Crescent in Sheffield, England. One lucky player won a £70,000 Postcode Lottery prize, while 11 others won £30,000. That’s not all though as the Yorkshire players also won a £5,000 holiday.

Flipping heck!

Jan was delighted with her £30,000 Postcode Lottery win and £5,000 holiday. “Flipping heck! It’s like a dream,” said the retired factory worker. The grandmother-of-ten added that “not in a thousand years” did she expect to win so much money.

It’s also good news for her husband Mick. Some of the winnings will be spent on him resuming his hobby of pigeon-racing with a new hut being bought.

His wife wants to go to Cyprus for their holiday. The Postcode Lottery winner has fond memories of a past visit to the island. It looks as if another champagne breakfast there is on its way.

Off to Disney World?

The Postcode Lottery win is great news for Jason who has had a tough year or so with his health. The chef had heart problems and had to have a pacemaker fitted. He’s not been able to work for three years so a £30,000 win and a holiday is greatly welcomed.

His wife Sarah is going to let their three children decide where to go on holiday. Their mother believes her children “desperately need a holiday after the last few years.”  Disney World in Florida is likely to be their choice.

Birthday celebrations

Tracy, who works in a local jewellery shop, is also delighted with her Postcode Lottery prize. This win came just before her 59th birthday and part of her winnings will be spent on her 60th birthday celebrations in 2024.

Plans include a four-day visit to New York and a cruise around the Caribbean. Speaking about her Postcode Lottery win, Tracy said: “I’ve never had this amount of money.” As well as the birthday celebrations, the win will be spent on a new driveway and kitchen and a Louis Vuitton purse.

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