Perfect Time to Win £76,923 Postcode Lottery Prize

Perfect Time to Win £76,923 Postcode Lottery Prize

Perfect Time to Win £76,923 Postcode Lottery Prize

12 Postcode Lottery tickets have won a £76,923 prize. The lucky players from Brixworth in Northamptonshire, England say their wins have come just at the right time.

New arrival soon

That’s definitely true for NHS worker Heather who is due to be giving birth to her second child in  September. Speaking about her Postcode Lottery win she said that it “couldn’t have come at a better time.”.

The healthcare worker will be able to take a year’s maternity leave. The Postcode Lottery win will also help with expenses such as buying new clothes for her children. A “bigger” car, a sunny holiday next year and a pair of new shoes for Heather are also on their spending list.

Down the aisle

Also celebrating a £76,923 win is her neighbour, Jon. The big win will  mean he can marry his  fiancée Prue earlier than expected. They’ve already been engaged for five years but with this Postcode Lottery win “we can accelerate plans for a wedding now,” said the delighted winner.

The couple have a three-year-old son and a lot of their finances have been spent on him. Prue says: “Now we can do something for us.” Their son will still be treated though with his bedroom redecorated and “a birthday party to remember” when he turns four later this month.

Holidays galore

Another delighted Postcode Lottery winner is Emma, also winning £76,923. A family holiday or two with husband Matt and their two sons, George and Max is planned. They can now afford to go to New York and visit family in Australia.

The parents also want a couple of holidays on their own to celebrate their wedding anniversary. Boston and Niagara Falls are the planned destinations.

A bit easier now

Rugby fan Phillip has been married to his wife Carol for 53 years. Their £76,923 Postcode Lottery win will help them in their retirement. “It makes everything that bit easier,” he said. They are planning a dream holiday to the Rocky Mountains in Canada as “it looks lovely on the television.”

Buy tickets today from Lottery24.