Just because you win a big Postcode Lottery prize, it doesn’t mean you actually live at that address. That’s what has ha...
No Business Class Upgrade for $6.3m NZ Powerball Winners

No Business Class Upgrade for $6.3m NZ Powerball Winners
Even if a big lottery win comes along you still want value for your money. A couple from Auckland in New Zealand won a $6.3 million NZ Powerball prize but are still being careful with their spending.
Their win came in the NZ Powerball draw held on Saturday October 21. The weekend hadn’t gone too well as they watched New Zealand lose to South Africa in the final of the Rugby World Cup. It was going to get a lot better for them though in a way they never expected.
An email from Lotto NZ told the husband that his ticket was a Major Prize winner. He quickly checked his ticket and finally found the winning line. However, he had no idea how much had been won and was shocked when finding out it had made the couple millionaires.
The big one
His wife was out at the time so there was a massive surprise awaiting her when finally returning home. The surprised NZ Powerball winners described the moment as “a surreal feeling - and not something I would have expected to happen.”
What if we did this?
Since then they have been busy trying to work out how to spend their NZ Powerball win. It was a restless night for them as his wife said every time she was just getting off to sleep he’d nudge her and say, “What if we did this?”
While being “incredibly grateful” for the big win they have decided that their windfall will be spent sensibly. With such a big win as this they know that the days of worrying about the future are over.
Plans for their NZ Powerball win include going travelling but they are still going to stick to a budget and were shocked when seeing how much an upgrade to business class costs. The couple also want to use some of their winnings to buy their own home.