New Front Door for £250,000 Postcode Lottery Winner

New Front Door for £250,000 Postcode Lottery Winner

New Front Door for £250,000 Postcode Lottery Winner

What would be the first item you want to buy if winning a £250,000 lottery prize? Amy from Poole in Dorset, England wants a new front door after winning that amount playing the Postcode Lottery.

Is this a dream?

The NHS worker thought her win might be £30,000 but never a quarter-of-a-million pounds. No wonder she declared: “Oh my goodness! Is this a dream?”

The Postcode Lottery win will help them finish an extension to their home. Her husband Tom is an electrician and has been working on the house in his spare time. Now they can afford to get the renovation finished a lot earlier.

Also planned by the mother-of-one is buying a campervan. That’ll allow the family to have some breaks away from all the renovation work. A  holiday to California to visit her brother who lives there is also on their wish list. They haven’t seen him since he came to England last year to attend their wedding.

Absolutely stunned

Also winning a £250,000 Postcode Lottery prize was Brian. He admitted to being “absolutely stunned” when finding out the size of his win.

The retired care home manager is now looking forward to buying a new Range Rover. Before that though, he and his wife Chris will be going on a relaxing holiday. 

The couple have been together for 17 years and between them have five children. They are aged between 29 and 37 and will helped thanks to this Postcode Lottery win.

It’s not been an easy time for Brian after a spell in hospital with pneumonia and twice having Covid. He also spent ten days in intensive care with sepsis. A man from Dublin, Ireland was in hospital and while there  he found out he’d won a €120,194 Irish Lotto prize.

Brian now runs a training company and still plans to carry on working. There will be more holidays though. A safari in South Africa is on his wife’s bucket list and that can be ticked off now thanks to this win.

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