The National Lottery in the UK has announced plans to use its 25
th anniversary next year to raise awareness about local projects which have been funded by the lottery.Since the National Lottery began in November 1994, it has raised tens of billions on pounds for good causes and charities across the United Kingdom and is perhaps most well known for its contribution to the success of the London 2012 Olympics. However, National Lottery officials have revealed that while their contribution to good causes are well known at a national level, there are still gaps in knowledge in local areas.Recently the National Lottery announced
plans to change the name of the Big Lottery Fund to the National Lottery Community Fund to make its work more locally recognised, while earlier this year community projects funded by the lottery were
nominated for the National Lottery Awards to celebrate their achievements.Director of the National Lottery Promotion Unit, Jonathan Tuchner, said “When we ask people can you name a National Lottery funded project in your locale – you’d hope everyone could but not everyone can.” Mr Tuchner added that there are around 535,000 projects across the UK, enough for everybody to have one running not far from them. A man from Norfolk in England who
works for one of the National Lottery funded charities recently had his hard work recognised with a surprise day at a race track.The National Lottery now plans to jump on the back of their birthday celebrations by raising awareness of the hard work undertaken by the National Lottery and its players. “The 25
th anniversary is a moment in time for a step change to make people more aware of the positive contribution and the extraordinary things that National Lottery does across the country.”Many lottery winners also use their millionaire status to donate to local projects across the country, including
EuroMillions winners Colin and Christine Weir who donated some of their £161 million winnings to their local football club. Even across the Atlantic in Canada, lottery winners are determined to give back, just like a man from Ottawa in Ontario who
won $22 million on the Lotto 6/49 and said he wanted to give back to the local community which took him in as an immigrant.The new campaign is set to take place across many different platforms, including advertising and television, and will show stories from the past 25 years of National Lottery funding to help people understand just how much of a difference the lottery has made. “We want this to be as huge as it can be and to reach as many people as possible,” Mr Tuchner continued, adding that the focus will be on people how their lives have been changed.Try your hand at the lottery game and play online with us at Lottery24.com.