A man from Norfolk in England who works as a driver for a National Lottery funded charity has been rewarded for all of his hard work, live on television.Vic Evans works as a driver for North Norfolk Community Transport, a National Lottery funded service for people with ill-health and disabilities who are unable to access public transport or other services meeting their needs. Mr Evans has worked for the service for four years, and he told National Lottery officials that he has since built-up long-lasting friendships with many of the service users he drives, including older people who live alone and will benefit hugely from regular friendship.The National Lottery’s ‘Big Surprise’ is an initiative set up to honour individuals who have made a real difference to their communities, with the help of funding from the National Lottery. Recently we announced that the National Lottery’s Big Lottery Fund was set to
change its name to the National Lottery Community Fund, to put an emphasis on its community work. Mr Evans was surprised by lottery officials when he arrived at Snetterton race track and was strapped into a Lotus for the ride of his life.Other lottery funded good causes include
a People’s Postcode Lottery funded Scottish charity which provides free school meals to disadvantaged children in the UK and abroad, and a tribute to the victims of last year’s Manchester Arena terrorist attack, which
received a grant from the National Lottery.The ‘Big Surprise’ will air on television during ad breaks in the UK this weekend, and Mr Evans told lottery officials that he was completely overwhelmed by his surprise. “I’m just a small part of the team so to be recognised like this is very humbling,” he said. “I really do feel honoured and blessed to be a part of this project.” A grandmother from Dublin was recently rewarded for a good deed by fate when she went on to
win on a Lotto scratch card, while many lottery players choose to give some of their winnings away to charity, including a recent winner from Canada who planned to
donate all of her Canadian lottery winnings.The Norfolk man continued to say that he believes the NNCT service is not only vital and practical, but more importantly it provides companionship to those who use it, allowing them to have a laugh and a joke while they’re on their journey. “Seeing new members who might at first be very nervous start developing new friendships and confidence on the bus makes it the best job in the world”, said Mr. Evans.Play lottery online with us at Lottery24.com, it's quick and easy.