Morning Surprises for $1 million Weekday Windfall Winners

Morning Surprises for $1 million Weekday Windfall Winners

Morning Surprises for $1 million Weekday Windfall Winners

It was not to be a quiet morning for a man from Central Coast and a couple from Adelaide. In Australia. That’s when they both discovered they had won $1 million in the March 10 Weekday Windfall draw.

One of the winners was a man from Wadalba in Central Coast who had enjoyed a peaceful night’s sleep totally unaware he was a millionaire. That’s unlike a male player from Queensland who  found out about his $1 million Weekday Windfall win in the early hours.

A bit of air

The unknowing Weekday Windfall winner was having his breakfast when receiving the fantastic phone-call informing him of his big win. “God! I need to get a bit of air now,” was his immediate reply. Then he added: “This is much, much needed for lots of things.”

His father regularly played lotteries in the 1980s. After he sadly passed away, his son kept playing some of his numbers “just in his memory.” Some other family-related numbers were used and that’s led to this success. Shannon Williams from the USA used her father’s numbers and  won $150,000 playing Powerball.

Also celebrating are a couple from Leabrook in Adelaide. They were also enjoying their breakfast  but unlike the other division one winner had already found out that they had won a $1 million Weekday Windfall prize.

“I thought you might be calling us this morning!” said the male half of the winning couple. He had only just checked their ticket when it was shown to his wife, they had to double-check it to “make sure we weren’t seeing things.”


They are both regular lottery players but usually only win $13. “It came as a bit of a surprise!” said the delighted Weekday Windfall winner. He added: “One million dollars is perfect.”

Plans for their winnings include helping their family. One thing is for sure, the couple will “make good use of it.”  However, still in disbelief, he said: “we won’t fully celebrate until the money is in the bank account!”

Get tickets now from Lottery24.