Mega Millions: 2013 lottery jackpot winners
Whilst we wait for the next Mega Millions lottery jackpot to be won, we thought we’d take a look at this year’s Mega Millions lotto winners so far. An amazing six lottery jackpots have already been bagged by some very happy players of America’s popular lottery game.JanuaryStarting with the first jackpot win in January, Angel Guallpa-Mayancela of Orange in New Jersey celebrated a scoop of $89 million. He had to wait until almost the very end of the month to become the first lottery jackpot winner of the year. The draw that did it for him was held on Friday 25th January.FebruaryIt wasn’t long before the next Mega Millions jackpot was bagged by another very fortunate player in February. Tuesday 5th February’s draw saw Judy Juntunen of Atlantic Mine, Michigan take home a $19 million lotto win. But that wasn’t all for this month, because an anonymous player in Mount Airy, Maryland quietly won the $26 million lottery jackpot on Tuesday 19th February.MarchThe Mega Millions jackpot winning streak continued in March with $41 million going to a 14-strong syndicate in Westlake, Ohio.MayApril saw a spate of rollovers which caused the Mega Millions lottery jackpot to grow and grow. Players increased their lottery ticket buying in a bid to purchase the winning ticket for the much anticipated jackpot payout. Finally, on Friday 17th May the lotto jackpot was won by two incredibly lucky ticket-holders. Giuseppe "Joe" Garofalo of Tinton Falls, New Jersey quickly claimed his share of the $198 million top prize. However, the ticket-holder from Farmville, Virginia still hasn’t claimed their share of the jackpot. Heading to the end of May and a $30 million Mega Millions lottery jackpot was won by a ticket-holder in Buena, also in New Jersey.So here we are in the second half of June, and we are still waiting for this month’s first lottery jackpot winner. It could be any day now with draws every Tuesday and Friday. The question is: could it be you? Well, only if you play, and we know just the place to do it: you can purchase your Mega Millions lottery tickets online at Lottery24.com.