Wouldn’t it be great to say the words “I’ve won a million pounds!” and for it to be true? Well, a good way to be in with a chance of this happening for real is to play EuroMillions.These are the exact words Ron Warne found himself exclaiming when he checked his EuroMillions ticket from Tuesday 12th February’s draw. Much to the surprise of his wife, Sue, and of his sister and brother-in-law, who were with him when he discovered he was a lottery winner.His ticket matched the winning EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle code of WDV 765087. This is not the first major financial win for the Warnes family, as almost 21 years ago his father won £250,000 on the Pools. Ron Warne said their lotto win couldn’t have come at a better time: “Before my dad won the Pools we had nothing, and our home was about to be repossessed, then dad won on the Pools and life was a lot rosier and we hung onto the house, the same house I now live in with my wife and son. We bought the house from my dad’s estate when he died and, while we have managed to keep up the mortgage payments, it’s been tough and like many people we have been struggling to make ends meet. It’s almost unbelievable to think that just like the previous generation we have had this win when we needed it most. I put it down to some cracking good luck - on my way to the beach on Wednesday morning there were two magpies in the middle of the road, it certainly was ‘two for joy’!”The family intend to enjoy their EuroMillions windfall, but keep their feet firmly on the ground. Sensibly they will pay off their mortgage, finish the home improvements and buy a new Citroen van. Treats will include a trip to Spain, new fishing gear and an eternity ring for wife Sue.The next lucky winner might be you... so why don’t you try your chance and play EuroMillions online at Lottery24.com?