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€200million EuroMillions Win Used to Help Protect Planet

€200million EuroMillions Win Used to Help Protect Planet
There are many ways in which a lottery win can be used. A French player known as ‘Guy’ won a EuroMillions jackpot in December 2020. He’s decided to use most of his winnings to help save the planet.
The generous EuroMillions player has created a foundation called ‘Anyama.’ That name comes from a city in the Ivory Coast. He lived in that country while a child. The foundation will use its funds to help protect the planet. He explained the reasons for his decision in an open letter published on the Anyama website.
He stated that the Anyama endowment fund is “the result of an imperious desire to act for nature and human beings” that he has had for a long time. After his EuroMillions win, he decided to share his wealth with as many people as he could. “Giving makes people happy,” he said. Now he wants to see “concrete and useful actions” take place.
The EuroMillions winner explained how seeing trees being cut from forest in Burkina Faso had a major impact on him. He only played theEuroMillions draw when there were “important jackpots.” Perhaps he might play on April 29 when there’s a €130million EuroMillions Superdraw.
His hope was that he would one day win millions and then be able to create a charitable foundation. That’s just what happened in December 2020 when he won what was at that time the largest ever EuroMillions win.
He knew just how his winnings would be spent. “My dream has never been to acquire boats, castles or other sports cars," he wrote on the Anyama website. His aim was to use the winnings to create “maximum positive impact.” He wants to “protect the living” for those alive now and future generations.
The work of the foundation will include forest conservation, the revitalization of biodiversity and support for human caregivers. He believes the latter are “an essential link in our society.” His foundation will help support projects “aimed at supporting, training, relieving or welcoming family carers.”
Buy your EuroMillions tickets from Lottery24.