Winning over $30 million really is a dream result. For a couple from Point Cook in Melbourne, Australia, the husband say...
€200 million (approx. £174 million) EuroMillions Superdraw Next Friday

€200 million (approx. £174 million) EuroMillions Superdraw Next Friday
December is a special month for many of us. It could become even more amazing if on the very first day of the month you win the €200 million (approx. £174 million) EuroMillions Superdraw.
Yes, you read it right, the jackpot will be €200 million (approx. £174 million) making it the most lucrative EuroMillions Superdraw ever. You really do need to buy a ticket or two from Lottery24 to give yourself the chance of becoming a multi-millionaire in December.
If the December 1 EuroMillions Superdraw ends in a rollover, it could just be delaying the day you become a multi-millionaire. The jackpot will keep on getting higher and within a week can reach the new jackpot cap of €240 million (over £200 million) and that would see a record top prize being on the line.
There have been three EuroMillions Superdraws held this year. September saw the last one held and that saw a ticket purchased in France win a fantastic €130 million. Before that, June’s special draw had also seen the enhanced jackpot won with a UK ticket holder scooping £111 million. The other two Superdraws held in 2023 both ended in a rollover.
Could we see a hat-trick of EuroMillions Superdraw wins on December 1? The last time that happened was in the very first three draws held between 2007 and 2009.
This is the third time that a Superdraw has been held in the final month of the year. The others were held in 2021 and 2022, both ending in rollovers. On both occasions, the jackpot was won in the very next draw, so whatever happens on December 1, we’ll get a massive jackpot winner in December, could it be you?
2023 has already seen the EuroMillions jackpot won 17 times and twice on the first day of the month. Tonight’s draw has a top prize of £64 million.