Couple claim $21 million New Zealand Lotto top prize
A player who purchased an unregistered ticket for Saturday evening’s New Zealand Lotto Super draw won the huge $21 million jackpot, and has finally come forward.Three days after the draw took place on the Saturday, on Tuesday, March 22nd, the winner of the $21 million prize was revealed as a couple from Murwillumbah, who checked their ticket that day and claimed the prize the very same afternoon instead of waiting like a recent $16.2 million NZ Powerball winner did, but they didn’t purchase the ticket from the country’s luckiest store, like a Powerball winner did recently. The couple, who are both retired but wish to remain anonymous, told lottery officials that they couldn’t believe their eyes when they realised that they were the winners, and felt completely overwhelmed with the shock, just like a pair of Lotto winners from the South Island of NZ did recently.“Truly, thankfully I’m sitting down at the moment,” said the wife of their feelings just after they realised their fortune. “I can’t believe that I’ve won – little old me!” The lottery winner says that her habit is usually to buy a ticket at the last minute, racing to the local news agency and buying a ticket just before the deadline, but this time her husband convinced her that she should get a ticket early, and so she did.That difference in habit certainly made the difference in their luck, then, as it was that ticket which won. “I feel so humble,” she said as they collected their prize money from lottery officials. “I think we’ll go home now and I’ll firstly cry a million tears of happiness. We’ll have to buy a bottle of bubbly though so we can celebrate after that!”The winner said that she was so overwhelmed that she couldn’t even think about how she and her husband would be spending the money, just like Maria Stone from West London felt when she won big on the Postcode Lottery, but she did say that it was completely life-changing. “Not just for us but for a lot of people close to us! I can’t wait to tell our children that we’ve won the Lotto. They’ll love me forever now,” she joked.The New Zealand Lotto winning numbers on Saturday, March 19th were 31, 10, 24, 16, 28 and 8, with supplementary numbers 2 and 4.To get a chance of becoming next big winner, play online with us at Lottery24.com.