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Cancelled Ticket Wins £200,000 Postcode Lottery Prize

Cancelled Ticket Wins £200,000 Postcode Lottery Prize
Just two days after cancelling her Postcode Lottery ticket Sian Black from Tadley in Hampshire, England won a £200,000 prize.
The grandmother may have cancelled her ticket but it just beat the deadline to play in the January draw. Francesca Cowling from North Yorkshire also cancelled her ticket but then won a £144,000 Postcode Lottery prize.
Amazingly, it proved to be a winning one and she’s decided to continue playing After all as she says: “I could win again”.
The 61-year-old says she “would have been devastated” if her cancellation had ruled her out of the draw that won her £200,000
Popcorn maker?
At first the mother-of-three thought she’d only won a popcorn maker and then perhaps £30,000. Then she discovered it was actually £200,000. Speaking about her Postcode Lottery win, the sales advisor said: “This changes my life. It’s amazing.”
Some sunny holidays in Portugal and the Maldives are now being planned with her children, their partners, two granddaughters and her best friend. The lucky player plans to frame her winner’s cheque and put it up in her living room.
Sian has a degenerative eye condition and has been considering retiring. This Postcode Lottery win means her retirement date can be brought forward.
On Tenterhooks
Also celebrating a £200,000 Postcode Lottery win is father-of-two Alistair. He admitted to being on “tenterhooks” since receiving a phone call informing him of his win. That didn’t tell him how much he’d won though.
He’d also been considering cancelling his ticket but then thought to himself ‘Oh, I’ll just leave it.” What a decision that has proved to be. Another Hampshire winner, Emma Down considered cancelling her Postcode Lottery ticket and then won £154,000.
The generous father plans to give half the winnings to his daughter who is at university studying to be a doctor. There’ll be some other treats and a holiday with the rest being saved.
His wife Sally commented: “Can you imagine if we had cancelled it? We'd be spitting feathers if everyone else got something and we didn't."
Buy tickets now from Lottery24.