A Bulgarian man who has won the EuroMillions lottery twice is reported to be renting an illegal cabin in the back garden of his home for as much as £10,000 a year.George Traykov, 46, won £1 million on the EuroMillions Millionaire Raffle in September 2011, and topped up his lottery prizes with a second tier £160,873 prize in March 2013. Using his European lottery winnings to buy a home in London’s leafy suburb of Harrow, Mr Traykov then went on to build an illegal cabin in the back garden.This cabin is part of the ‘beds in sheds’ phenomenon which has recently taken London by storm, as thousands of both legal and illegal residents struggle to afford accommodation in the city. The people who live in these make-shift homes make up what the local councils refer to as a hidden community – people that the state struggle to cater for as they don’t pay council tax and aren’t accounted for by any other means.The cabin in the garden of Mr Traykov’s house boasts a kitchen, toilet and a bedroom, and was discovered by an aircraft with a thermal camera. A spokesperson for Harrow council explained that thermal imaging was used to detect the amount of beds in sheds in the local area, and that the thermal pictures received suggested there were four times as many as first thought, creating huge stresses on the community.The property developer lottery winner, who boasted upon his lottery win that he prides himself on working hard and within his means at all times, also rents out bedrooms in his main house, despite the property not being licensed as a House of Multiple Occupation.Currently being investigated by the local council, the Bulgarian lottery winner is now in breach of two different planning enforcement notices, and has been served with a notice to demolish the cabin in his back garden. The unofficial landlord is currently spending his recent EuroMillions winnings on a trip travelling through Europe, but has appealed his planning notices, leaving the council investigating the extent of his planning breach.Mr Traykov may well be one of Europe’s luckiest lottery players, but it seems that he is not quite so lucky when it comes to the rest of his life.The EuroMillions Super Draw takes place this Friday, so get your tickets early at Lottery24.com and see if you can be as lucky as George Traykov.