The Big Lottery fund, a good causes fund provided by the National Lottery, is set to change its name in 2019 to the National Lottery Community Fund.The idea is to make its purpose clearer and emphasize that proceeds from the National Lottery go straight back into the community, helping good causes across the UK. Recently,
the lottery has awarded grants to a mental health service for the LGBTQ community in Brighton and Hove, as well as pledging
lotto funds to help preserve tributes left for the victims of the Manchester Arena terrorist attack in the UK.The name change will also take place on the National Lottery’s 25
th birthday, and a statement for the charitable organisation said that they hope to help players to understand the difference they are making locally when they buy National Lottery tickets. Lots of lottery players choose to give back to their local communities after a big win, just like an Ontario man did after
winning $22 million on the Lotto 649.In 2017 alone, the Big Lottery Fund awarded over £500 million of lottery money to more than 11,000 good causes projects across the UK. However, as substantial as that may sound, the total was amongst £200 million less than the amount donated in 2016, and National Lottery officials said that this was due to a fall in ticket purchases and therefore revenue that was able to be donated. Recently we told you about the National Lottery awards, which applaud local good causes for their achievements following
a Big Lottery Fund grant and give them the chance of winning a further donation.Hopefully, the name change and the rebranding of the National Lottery Community Fund will help lottery players across the UK to understand what the lottery does for their communities, and thus encourage them to buy tickets. “We want to make sure that as many people as possible understand who we are, what we do and how National Lottery funding could help them to make a difference in their communities,” the National Lottery spokesperson said.
Unclaimed lottery prizes also go towards the Big Lottery fund, as they did in 2013 when the fund was overflowing with prize money that hadn’t been collected.They continued to explain that the lottery is looking forward to marking 2019, not just with the National Lottery Community Fund’s relaunch, but with celebrations for the National Lottery’s 25
th birthday. Who know, there may even be some special National Lottery draws!Play your favourite lottery online at Lottery24.com.