A former Manchester United player is celebrating a £400,000 Postcode Lottery win. Now living in Gotham in Nottinghamshir...
Absolutely Wackadoodle $1.4 million Lottery Win

Absolutely Wackadoodle $1.4 million Lottery Win
There are many ways in which players choose their lottery numbers. A mother from Illinois, USA, used her children’s birthdays and it has won her a $1.4 million jackpot.
Sleepless night turns good
The lucky player was having a bit of a rough night. Her baby had been crying and once that was sorted, she struggled to get back to sleep herself so decided to check the lottery results.
Her night suddenly got better when finding out she’d won $1.4 million. That amazing discovery was described by her as: “Absolutely wackadoodle.”
The next person to find out about her lottery win was her husband. He was asked: “Do you want to know which kid's birthday helped us win the jackpot?'"
Snow surprise
Derrek Barton from Harvey in New Brunswick, Canada works as a snow plough operator. He’s celebrating winning a $1 million Lotto 6/49 prize. It really shocked him which is rather understandable. “I never dreamt it would be possible, it hasn’t really even sunk in," says the lucky lottery player.
He’s a regular lottery player and bought his winning ticket on his birthday in January. His ticket wasn’t checked right away but then he heard of a local $1 million winner. Could he be the winner?
His wife finally convinced him to go to the store and get his ticket checked. For three days he’d been a millionaire without knowing it. When presenting his ticket to the female employee “her colour just drained,” joked Barton. Then the incredible news of his win was revealed.
Barton thought his win was only $1,000 but then realised it was $1 million. It wasn’t easy for him to convince his wife and daughter that such a large amount had been won.
Speaking about his $1 million lottery win, he says “I’m just over-the-top happy.” He loves his job so won’t be quitting. Canadian Pierre Richer still went to work after winning a $50 million Lotto Max jackpot.
The most important part of his win is the fact that he and his family need never have any financial worries again.
Get tickets today from Lottery24.