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$2.5 million Oz Lotto Win From Forgotten Ticket

$2.5 million Oz Lotto Win From Forgotten Ticket
A couple from Nambucca Heads in Australia completely forgot they’d bought a Saturday Lotto ticket. It’s a good job they remembered as their ticket won $2.5 million in the May 25 draw.
In total, the New South Wales players won $2,582,582.68. It’s been a lucky time to play lotteries in the state after two recent $13.33 million Oz Lotto wins.
Their ticket was not registered so that means the lottery company had no idea who had won the Saturday Lotto prize.
After the couple finally remembered they had a ticket to check, they were “dumbfounded” at what they found.
The female half of the couple explained “the funny story” that led to them becoming millionaires. It’s her partner who usually goes to a store to buy a ticket, while she gets hers online. There have been times when he leaves his ticket in either his back pocket or his car.
A look at Facebook revealed to her that there had been a big local Saturday Lotto win. When asking her partner if he’d bought a ticket, he replied, “Unfortunately not.”
The following day he asked her to come for a drive to the beach. He then revealed that he had purchased a ticket but forgot doing so. It had been in his car all the time and he admitted to being “scared to look at it.”
Feeling numb
His partner admits she thought there was no way the ticket had won the $2.5 million prize. After reading out the winning numbers, he said: “I have them.” They both sat there feeling numb and not knowing what to do next. Plans for their Saturday Lotto winnings include house renovations.
Their winning ticket was purchased from Nambucca Heads Newsagency which is owned by Stephen Kimber. He’s over the moon at the news he’s sold his second-ever division one winning ticket.
The newsagency winner commented about the win: “My wife and I couldn’t be more excited for our little town of Nambucca to score such a massive win.”